Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Bringing My Learning Into Class

As a teacher, summer can rejuvenate and provide opportunities to hone my craft. I also like to take the time to learn and try new things.

This summer I dabbled in music.  Toward the end of last school year, I took several lessons to learn a bit about playing the ukulele.  Over the course of the summer, I committed myself to practice. I have picked up the ukulele for at least 30 minutes nearly every day.  Naturally, I have improved - though not so much that I’m comfortable sharing those skills here.

I will, however, speak with my students about my learning, my practice, and my improvement. Maybe, if I build up my nerve, I’ll play for them. 😮

Another learning adventure involved prop making.  For absolutely no reason, I became intrigued with prop making techniques I bumped into on YouTube.  Using Odin Abbott’s YouTube channel Odin Makes as inspiration, I made my version of Wonder Woman’s shield.  Despite its flaws, I think it
turned out pretty nifty for a first effort.

I’ll probably bring it to school for decoration and imagine it will generate conversations with the students.

Even though both of these pursuits were for my own growth, I will be able to transfer them into opportunities to generate conversation and develop relationships with my students.

If you bring interesting elements of your life to engage students or, if this post has generated some thoughts of your own, please share in the comments. I would appreciate hearing from you.

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