Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Oceans of Time

This is the third poem that I've shared to celebrate National Poetry Month.  I hope you find some value in it.

Swaying to the cadence
of uncharted waters
the ship takes me from my love,
left behind,

But sorrow mounts
    on shore.
        but not satisfied to the end of time.

Had I known Charron
    captained the ship
Had I known
   my true destination,
Had I understood
     the paralyzing
                heartache back home,

Would have I
left sweet love's
 Would have I
sought confrontation,
to do what is right,
and feel the icy blade
cause warmth
flow over my
hand-clenched chest?

I pine for the joy,
the happiness, the warmth,
the enveloping love
lost behind.

Not able to
overwhelmed by my
own demise,
lest it also become
The ferryman takes me
from my love,
in unexpected ways,

And passing,
leaves my heart,
leaves my soul,


with despair,

yet besmirching death,

knowing that over
oceans of time

We will find one another
once again
as the rhythm
of our souls

are One.

If you have written your own poetry, if you are inspired by a particular poem, or if this post has generated some thoughts of your own, please share in the comments. I would appreciate hearing about them.

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