Knowing that writing poetry is a risk for my middle school students, I'm making my own leap. I have sporadically written some poetry - usually for myself. The number of people I have shared it with does not even fill one hand's digits.
To celebrate poetry this month, I've decided to expose myself and share some of my poems. Well, I'll start with one anyway....
The bead trickles
down the nose as the head bends low.
Body struggling with exertion
against the rocky incline,
droplets splash silently,
to the ground.
Jagged peak interjecting
in a glorious field of blue,
satisfaction spreads across
the visage and throughout
aching muscles.
The precipice,
once so far away,
now in view,
will be deposited as the culmination
of time,
Finally ascended,
to see the gratifying view,
but all that is expected
has changed.
The mountain’s climb
has just been a
hill’s hike.
Looking out from a
new vantage point,
just in the foothills
of a range of peaks,
one precariously
perched more daunting
after the next,
and the next,
and the next,.....
Not a single hill,
Not even a single mountain,
But a range to conquer.
Great distance already traversed,
of moments ago
swept into memory,
as preparations are made
to relentlessly pursue
that next peak.
And while preparing,
steps already taken,
beads of pride and
already forming on the brow,
as the body impels
ever further,
ever farther
across the
timeless journey,
just begun,
Knowing that
its inception
has appropriately sharpened,
and honed,
like stone against steel
so that success resides
on the next bluff,
and the next,
and the next,.....
If you have written your own poetry, if you are inspired by a particular poem, or if this post has generated some thoughts of your own, please share in the comments. I would appreciate hearing about them.
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