I refer to others’ blogs regularly. They both inform and inspire. Part of whom I am as a teacher is due to their willingness to share through their blogs.
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day is another phenomenal blog. Taking regular dips in his posts reap rewards as Larry Ferlazzo presents endless resources. Some of the varying topics he addresses are student motivation, educational policy, ELLs, holidays, and his “best of” list of resources. This just scratches the surface of what his site has to offer. No matter the topic or subject area, Ferlazzo has curated resources for it. Looking for something on metacognition? How about movie clips of bad teachers? Maybe you need “What If” history lessons? Search his websites of the day to get yourself pointed in the right direction.
Certain needs led me to the first two blogs mentioned. I have no idea what first led me to Paul Bogush’s Blogush. Whatever it was, I am thankful. Bogush wears his heart on his sleeve right where you can see his passion. He is not afraid to put forth his opinion - that’s what a blog is for, right? And his honesty is always rooted in what is best for his students and his own reflection. He shares glimpses into his classroom and school through his blog and student videos that show he believes students are incredibly powerful beings capable of impacting the world as soon as they are ready. In short, Paul Bogush makes me think about students and my own teaching.
This will be the third year my students keep blogs. My former students who are now in eighth grade will be continuing their blogs with their current teachers. I’m so pleased their current teachers have taken the opportunity to support the students’ blogging. These blogs energize me as I gain greater insight about my students. I also see my students opening themselves up to the world, inviting others to engage, trying to make an impact on the world, and crafting a positive digital footprint. I will continue to encourage my students’ voices through blogging, as I have much to gain from their sharing.
If you do not currently follow some blogs, I encourage you to do so. Check out the ones I’ve mentioned and seek others that help you to grow both personally and professionally.
If there are blogs that inspire you or, if this post has generated some thoughts of your own, please share them in the comments. I would appreciate hearing about them.
This post is inspired by Share#YourEduStory. The prompt from @bjornpaige was “Whose blogs do you draw inspiration from and why?”
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