They provide great benefits for the students and families. Students have a chance to shine in front of both their families and teachers. Despite a lack of comfort and confidence, the students clearly articulate their thoughts. The students also get to hear positive comments from the teacher to their parents/guardians. In addition, the families see their children interact with their teachers which gives them a better sense of the relationship in the classroom.

Teachers also see their students interact with their families. The dynamics between them is often evident, and there is often such great warmth between students and families.
Another great benefit for teachers lies in the difference between traditional conferences and SLC. Time restrictions for conferences limited us to 10 minutes of a traditional parent conference with the team. The time was hectic, always falling behind schedule. Some teachers only had a brief time to speak. And there were always more requests for conferences than time slots available necessitating additional time to be found elsewhere.
With SLC, time is much more flexible for meeting with families, as parents and guardians aren’t locked into a tiny window of time. Each teacher has the opportunity to spend much more time with the families. And the stress generated by the fast-food style conferences does not exist. SLC are far more relaxed.
If you’re not familiar with student-led conferences, I suggest you find out more about them due to the powerful experience they create.
If you have questions about student-led conferences, have experience with student-led conferences or, if this post has generated some thoughts of your own, please share in the comments. I would appreciate hearing from you.
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